Stress Management Lesson Plan and Activities
This resource empowers students to use coping strategies to manage stress. A detailed lesson plan walks you through each activity. The slideshow follows along with the activities and includes a powerpoint and google slides format so that you can choose how to show the materials.
This resource includes 30+ pages and activities:
- Stress overview slideshow PPT file
- Stress overview slideshow Google Slides
- Lesson Plan with activities
- Benefits Vs. Cons of Stress Worksheet
- Stress and Mindset Flowchart Worksheet
- Reframing Thoughts about Stress Worksheet
- Pondering Positive Thoughts Activity Sheet
- Taking Charge of Stress Activity Sheet
- Lily Pad Grounding Activity Sheet
- Safe Place Activity Sheet
- Safe Place Drawing/Coloring Sheet
- Stress Journaling
- Dry Erase Booklet (8 pages plus a cover page)
ASCA Standard:
B-SMS 1. Responsibility for self and actions
B-SMS 7. Effective coping skills
B-SMS 2. Self-discipline and self-control